Susan Bremer Therapist
As the quote from Gabor Mate, writing in In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts states, “….what we hold inside traps us.”
Within the counselling therapy context, I employ a slow gentle process of uncovering what you’re holding inside so you can be free from the ghosts of your past.
Often people come into therapy with a single problem, however, there has been a build up of problems or of the inability because of time, ability, or opportunity to deal with and look at what underlies and has prompted many problems to be overlooked. In the day to day life we humans have, we usually aren’t given the skills to spend the time with ourselves, nor do we have the safe space to encounter what might be beneath our initial life challenge to get at the roots of what could be underlying your distress.
This is where I come in. As a patient, confident therapist who has done much of her own hard work to evolve, transform and heal (the work is always ongoing and the exciting opportunities to understand and accept are never ending) and who has also sat side alongside other fellow travelers exploring pain, joys, feelings and experiences, I will do the same with you.
The skills I have and continue to cultivate help me help you to learn to sit with yourself during difficult and exploratory times as well so that you too will become aware of, learn to accept and even approve of all the facets of who you are.