Meeting Each Other
Hope for Your Future
Time is one of our most precious commodities and spending time with someone is a gift given and received.
Finding the ‘right’ therapist is not necessarily easy. How do you know who’s right? How do you know if you resonate, feel the vibe, feel heard? How does the therapist know if they can help you?
What you will get in our Introductory Session
Video conference call, an opportunity to get a sense of what I offer, real-time experience of myself, an opportunity to be heard and to really express what it is that’s troubling you, a sense of how I work and my guarantee as to whether I can help you, and if I can’t, a small brainstorming session on who might, or where you need to check next
I offer instead a regular 50 minute session for a small fee that if you choose to work with me more regularly, will be refunded within our first few sessions.
Why I don’t do free introductory sessions
People value and get more benefit from what they invest in. I value my time just as much as I value yours.
Why I don’t offer free 15 minute consultations.
By the time you’ve seen my site, read my blogs, listened to my welcome video and done research about me, as people are prone to do these days, you will have a sense of who I am, what I’m about, a sense of my sincerity and know if you want to work with me or not.
You will not be fully trusting of me yet, but another 15 minute or 30 minute free consult isn’t going to give you any further informaiton. You need to experience how I work just as I need to experince you and your current challenges and probelms to know if I can really help you.
Within the 50 minute consult we will both get that sense of each other, you will have a clearer sense of me as a counselling therapist and I will have a sense of wehtehr you’re serious about solving your probelm and serious about putting in the work.
I want our time to be of maximum benefit to you. I want to help you and I want you to
If you must offer some money for my time, then you will show up more ready and able to experience all that you can from our time together.
Also, I have found that even if I were to offer a no cost consultation, it would not guarantee that we would be a good fit. I have experienced this myself and so have my clients in that it takes time to get to know and really feel someone.
Giving yourself, ourselves, the gift of time is
Kitchen open daily
7AM - 9PM
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